How Much Vit B12 Can I Take
Believe it or not what type of formulation of B12 you take can make a big difference so dont neglect this. Supplements are usually not recommended for these people. Vitamin B12 An Overview Dr Schweikart Adults under 50 years of age. How much vit b12 can i take . Vitamin B12 can be found in foods such as meat fish and dairy products. Studies show that taking 125250 micrograms of vitamin B12 is effective for maintaining proper B12 levels for older adults. For most people a recommended daily allowance of 24 micrograms per day is suggested according to the National Institutes of Health. Dont take more than 100 milligrams a day which is the upper tolerable limit set by the federal government. Taking as much as 1000 milligrams of B-12 isnt necessarily dangerous but it wont help you either since the body absorbs only a small amount. And if youve had a stent placed dont take a combination of B12 folate and B6. How much vitamin B12 should be taken at different stages of li...