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Where Is.your Appendix

Its important to know that the appendix is located on the right side of your body above your waist as it can help you recognize the early signs of appendicitis. Appendicitis is caused by the blockage of the appendix followed by an invasion of bacteria of the wall of the appendix. Appendicitis Young Men S Health Order now fast delivery. Where is.your appendix . However most appendicitis cases require surgery an appendectomy to remove the appendix. Lower right quadrant in abdomen is the exact location of appendix in human body. Like the rest of the digestive tract the appendix is made of an inner layer of mucosa with submucosa muscularis and serosa layers surrounding it. It is a tube-shaped piece of tissue that is closed at one end. Your appendix is a thin tube in your lower right abdomen. It is a vestigial part of large intestine which is believed to be a shrunken part of caecum that was functional in the ancient human. The appendix is in the lower right side of yo