What Is The Adam's Apple
The medical name in English for it is the laryngeal prominence. The term Adams apple or technically laryngeal protuberance formed by the largest cartilage of the larynx has been used in English since at least 1625. Adam S Apple Why Women Don T Have It By Dr Sajeev Kumar Lybrate A person can remove or. What is the adam's apple . It goes by analogous names in other European languages among them French pomme dAdam. Its not unusual for a lump in the throat to persists for weeks. I heard and felt something pop or snap in my Adams apple area. This lump is formed by the angle of the thyroid cartilage a type of soft bone around the larynx part of the throat which holds the vocal chords. In human respiratory system. Thats why boys have Adams apples. Read below for more information on causes and how to relieve a sore adams apple. Some are extremely prominent while others are less pronounced and they even appear enlarged on some women as well as men. The Adams apple is a...