Male Herpies
Transmission from male to female is more common than from female to male therefore genital herpes is more common in women. Tingling itching or burning of the skin in the area where the blisters will appear. Genital Herpes Drugs used for Herpes Simplex The following list of medications are in some way related to or used in the treatment of this condition. Male herpies . People who indulge in unprotected sex be it vaginal oral or anal intercourse put themselves at high risk for contracting not only genital herpes but a myriad of sexually transmitted diseases. Small red or white pimples develop into larger fluid-filled sores that may be red white or yellow. Symptoms of genital herpes include vesicles sores lesions blisters painful ulcers itching andor burning in the genital area anus or upper thighs. Two viruses can cause genital herpes. Male herpes is caused by the herpes simplex one virus. The symptoms include sores or lesions usually on or around the penis. Sympto...