Dark Colored Seman
My ejaculate recently has been an extremely dark color almost chocolatey. It occurs due to the invasion of microorganisms such as parasites fungi bacteria and viruses. Semen Warna Pigment Hasanhaekal Twitter A prostate infection can happen when bacteria in your urine leak into your prostate. Dark colored seman . Changes in semen color are usually not a sign of a serious condition but. Causes of Dark Semen or Sperm. Normal properties of semen include milky white color viscous consistence PH about 8 slightly alkaline and with rare or no blood cells. We believe the condition is common but the prevalence of hematospermia is very difficult to calculate for the simple reason that many men ejaculate while inside their partner and hence they dont actually take a look at their semen. Please get to your family physician as soon as possibl. Dark colored or discolored sperm shading in the semen that doesnt adjust itself may mean a low level of problems probably from the prostate or co...