Vitamin B12 Dosage For Children
Group 1 1-20 months and Group 2 6-17 years which were subdivided according to the duration of treatment Group 1A2A. 500 mcg twice weekly. The Importance Of Children S Vitamin B12 Kids Health Haliborange Older children from 9-13 require 18 mcg. Vitamin b12 dosage for children . Always follow directions on the medicine label about giving Vitamin B12 injection to a child. For pernicious anemia you may have to use Vitamin B12 injection for the rest of your life. Children aged 14 or older need the same amount of vitamin B-12 as adults but younger children have smaller requirements. The recommendations change to everyone taking a high daily dose of 1000 mcg every day. Depending on the individual between 10 1000 µgday. Emuaid Defeats Severe Nerve Pain. One reason for this is that the bodys ability to absorb supplemental B12 is limited. One important thing to note is the vitamin B12 dosage for a child. The recommended daily intake of vitamin B12 is only 24 mcg for most ad...