Why Do Doctors Make You Cough
Only a GP is qualified to diagnose the cause and the potential risk and prescribe treatment. The drainage down the back of your throat causes irritation that your body wants to get rid of leading to your cough reflex. When To See A Doctor About That Persistent Cough Self Often a cough seems minor and it may be but if you do not know the cause of a cough see your GP immediately. Why do doctors make you cough . Smaller ones may not be visible. When your doctor asks you to cough it means youre being checked for a hernia. If the cough or. Youve been coughing for weeks. The part of a mans body wall just above the scrotum is a weak area where men can develop a hernia which is an abnormal opening in the body wall that lets abdominal fat or a loop of intestines go where they should not go. Turn Your Head and Cough. Hernias are due to a weak area in the abdominal wall that allows your abdominal contents like fat to slip down into your scrotum area or groin where dont belon...