Lactose Intolerance Symptoms Adults
Common signs and symptoms of milk protein intolerance or lactose intolerance include digestive problems such as bloating gas or diarrhea after consuming milk or dairy products. Lactose intolerance in adults isnt harmful but it can be an uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing condition. Lactose Intolerance Symptoms Causes And Treatment Switch4good Its is common in adults. Lactose intolerance symptoms adults . Lactose intolerance of course is when your small intestine doesnt make enough of the enzyme lactase to break down the sugar in dairy aka. Lactose intolerance is not the same thing as having a food allergy to milk. A lactose challenge can help u determine whether a person is lactose intolerant or not. Those who may not have been lactose intolerant as a child or adolescent may find they are lactose intolerant as an adult. Abdominal swelling bloating flatulence excessive wind diarrhoea. In allergy the consequences can even be fatal depending on the sensitivity and respo...