Pulling Hair Disorder
Trichotillomania hair pulling disorder Trichotillomania also known as trich is when someone cannot resist the urge to pull out their hair. Trichotillomania or pathological hair pulling is a common but underdiagnosed psychological disorder. What Is Hair Pulling Anxiety Disorder Elevations Behavioral Health Research suggests that 05 to 2 percent of people have TTM. Pulling hair disorder . Until recently TTM was thought to be very rare because people suffering it would rarely seek help. There may be a genetic trait for hair pulling meaning the disorder runs in families. Trichotillomania 1 which is also known as hair-pulling disorder is the condition in which you have an inbuilt compulsion to pull out your hair often from your scalp. For many people the sight of hair can trigger hair pulling. Hair pulling might be an external attempt on the part of a genetically prone individual to regulate an internal state of sensory imbalance. At its worst its an impulse control disorder. ...