
Showing posts with the label migraine

Male Migraine

While migraines have a range of triggers and hit across gender lines often striking women during times of hormone fluctuation cluster headache sufferers tend to be men. 31014235 Indexed for MEDLINE Publication Types. Migraine Vs Headache How To Tell The Difference If you or someone you know suffers from migraines you know. Male migraine . Overall lifetime prevalence of any type of migraine was 18. In addition they may be prescribed unnecessary medications for tension headaches or depression or attempt self-care with over the counter drugs and herbal remedies that could be dangerous when combined with other conditions. According to the Migraine Research Foundation women are three times more likely to get migraines than men. Migraine Triggers in Men Everyone experiences their own migraine triggers but a primary cause of migraine in men is physical exertion. Our findings provide evidence that a gender effect exists in migraineurs which should be considered when designing expe...